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Dragon's Heart: Melanie's Men Page 2

  Brock still couldn’t believe he had found the female destined for him and Cole. Out of all the clubs in London she could have walked into… Who would have believed that he would met both his mates in this bloody club? He and his partner Cole were bear shifters, and they had been in a relationship for the past eight years. Both of them knew from an early age that they were supposed to be in a trio. It was the bear way.

  Their kind had been abundant thousands of years ago, but something went amiss and more male than females were born. So the bear shifters had to start looking amongst the humans to find their mates. Alas, even finding their mates amongst the humans was very rare, and their kind had begun to fade.

  Unlike the dragon shifters that Brock and Cole worked for, who loved being by themselves or in small family groups, the bears had large groups called clans, each tribe having their own group of elders. These elders kept in contact with other clans, a council of sorts. A few hundred years ago, when it became news that their clans were getting smaller, with more males than females, the council got together and announced a new law.

  It was deemed necessary for the bears to take two mates, one male and one female, with each male sharing the procreation. At first many of the bears disagreed, but seeing the happiness the bears already in a trio shared changed their minds and they accepted the way it was to be. Increasingly over time, more bears found happiness in trios.

  Brock and Cole found each other in their early thirties. One thing they did share with the dragon shifters was their extended lives. The bears didn’t live for hundreds of years like the dragons did, but their life was extended perhaps a hundred years more than the average human. At thirty-eight Brock was still on the young side for a shifter. But tonight he felt older, wiser, all because he had found their female. He loved Cole unconditionally, as much as Cole loved him, but they had always felt like something was missing.

  A lot of the women who came to the club were the flashy kind. Their egos excessive, much like the clothes they were dressed in or the bling they wore. Not all the females were like that though. Some of them were the opposite, and it was those that he and Cole had the pleasure of sharing.

  Brock had been serving a busty blonde, who was throwing herself at him, when a delicious scent of honey bread drifted toward him. The drink he was making was instantly forgotten. His cock swelled, his heart picked up a beat, and his bear sat up and took notice.

  Mate! his bear growled low at him.

  Brock immediately looked up to follow the scent. There were plenty of women present, but his gaze was drawn to one of two females following Jaxon, a dragon shifter, upstairs toward the VIP rooms. Both women were good looking from what he could make out. The one on the right had fiery red hair. After one look at her he would bet a week’s wages she was a spitfire. But it was the other one that made him stare. Her light brown hair was pulled up into a French braid. Briefly, he wondered just how long her hair was. He wanted to see it flowing down her back...her naked back. Her hourglass figure was to die for, and her breasts were ample enough to fit in his large hands. Her buttocks looked good enough to bite in the dress she was wearing. His bear agreed with that.

  I bite mate. Love bite. Mate mark.

  I know, buddy. Calm now. We must make sure before getting too excited. It could be the redhead.

  I know who mate is! his beast grumbled.

  Brock metaphorically patted his bear on the head and continued to watch the women walk up the stairs. The one he couldn’t take his eyes off of had a waist that was just right for both he and Cole to wrap their hands around while they held her as she rode up and down on their cocks, one in her arse and one firmly embedded in her pussy. Shit, he was having fantasies all ready. His dick was so fucking engorged it was pressing against the zipper of his pants.

  But what if it was the fiery redhead that the scent belonged to? He had to get closer! He had to know who that scent belonged to. He glanced around but didn’t spot Cole. He must be out back picking up a crate of bubbly one of the other VIP rooms had ordered.

  A gentle, feminine cough brought him out of his thoughts and back to his work. With huge reluctance, he finished the white wine spritzer the blonde had ordered, placed it in front of her, and took her money. Before she got the chance to thrust out her tits at him again, he moved down the bar.

  How was he going to do this? He couldn’t just stride up to the room and introduce himself. He had to find an excuse to get up there. He watched the females follow Jaxon to the middle VIP bubble room, but instead of leaving them to go back to his regular post by the main doors, Jaxon took a stand just outside their room.

  The only reason one of their staff would stand outside one of the bubble rooms was if the people in it were extra, extra important. From what he could see, it didn’t look like the women weren’t flashing a huge amount of bling. They seemed the normal type of females who’d shop in a supermarket rather than have a maid or PA to do it. Did that mean Troy knew these women? A light clicked on in his head...Troy’s mate Amy had a group of friends who regularly visited the club now.

  He knew Amy was currently at home with Troy, having just had their baby. He and Cole had been called into work because some of the dragon shifters had found their mates and taken a holiday. The dragon shifters often took off a few days off work when they needed to let their beasts out.

  Brock again looked around, but he still didn’t see Cole anywhere. However, he did spot Todd, the club’s manager. Walking to the end of the bar, Brock whistled at him to get his attention.

  “What’s up, Brock?” Todd called while walking over.

  Once Todd was leaning against the bar and in hearing distance without shouting, Brock asked for the details on all the VIP rooms. He didn’t want Todd to know the specific info he was after.

  “Room One has a rich CEO splashing his cash after completing a deal. In Room Three is a rapper on a night out with his group of hangers-on. In Room Five there’s a birthday party for a wife of a billionaire wolf shifter. The entire pack joined them for a night out. Watch out for that lot though—if damage is done, they will get a bill and a warning. In Room Three, we have a last-minute request—a couple of the boss’s fiancée’s friends were in town. They have the VVIP gold pass, so be more than nice.”

  “That the party Jaxon is ‘extra’ bouncing for?”

  Following Brock’s glance, Todd turned and looked up at the bubble rooms too. Through the glass the men could see the females ordering drinks from Tina, the waitress assigned to that room. The female with the bright red hair said something to the other, causing them to both bend over in laughter.

  “Yep, they would be a couple of Amy’s friends. Umm…Wendy and Melanie? Mmm, no, I know the redhead is Bobbie, you need to watch out for her,” Todd warned, his face visibly paling. “The last time she came some bloke pissed her off and somehow managed to get a pint glass stuck to his hand. Troy warned us about her having a liking for superglue.” He paused a second then continued to tell Brock about the other female. The one Brock seemed to be drawn to. “The other is Melanie, I think. Don’t quote me on that, I’d have to look at the board.”

  Brock knew which board Todd was talking about. In one of the top rooms was a security office filled with television screens. There wasn’t one blind spot in the club. Well, apart from the toilets, but the staff regularly patrolled them. Troy made sure of that. He had a strict no-drugs policy. Several security men watched over the screens, very carefully. Trouble was dealt with quickly, and quietly.

  Also in the office was a large cork board with photographs of very special visitors who had gold VIP cards, some even had VVIP cards, and it was those who had the extra bouncer help assigned to them. They received the very best of everything. As soon as they walked through the door, a bouncer, room, and server were assigned to them instantly. Being Troy’s mate, Amy and her female friends were on it.

  “They have free rein in the club, every time they come. Troy foots the bill. They don’t come often, and ne
ver cause any trouble. They seem to be good women. Well, apart from that Bobbie, she scares the crap out of me.” Todd turned to stare at Brock with a suspicious look on his face. “Why are you asking anyway?”

  “I think one of them is my mate.”

  Todd wasn’t a shifter, but being close to Troy, and of course being the manager of the place, he knew about the shifter world. Brock thought the man was decent, even if he liked to grumble a lot. But Todd also knew when to keep his mouth shut.

  “Oh shit! You aren’t going to like cart her off or something, are you? Do I tell Troy?” Panic appeared in Todd’s eyes.

  Brock nearly burst out laughing. Did the man really think he was animal enough to pick his mate up and carry her off like a caveman? “For fuck’s sake, Todd, who do you think I am?”

  A frown appeared in the middle of Todd’s brow. “I thought…like…I’ve seen it happen before now…. Plus, well…” He cleared his throat and paused. Regret at judging Brock too quickly was clear on his face.

  “Cough it up.” Brock smiled, knowing what was coming. Todd knew Cole was Brock’s mate.

  “You and Cole are…were mates?” Todd looked unsure if he should ask. Perhaps he thought they had broken up.

  “We are.” Brock loved Cole with everything inside his heart. “But it looks like we found the missing part too.” He couldn’t stop the smile from appearing on his face.

  Todd’s mouth shaped in an O and his head moved up and down. He looked like one of the nodding dogs in the back of a car. “So, like, a threesome?” he finally asked.

  “Yep.” Brock nodded and walked away, leaving his stunned manager standing at the bar, with a surprised and wistful look on his face. Brock chuckled to himself. Oh, to see what is in his mind now. In all the time he’d known Todd, he thought the male was as straight as a line, but with that look on his face, it made Brock wonder.

  Brock pressed the hidden button just inside of his sleeve and spoke into the mic. All the staff at Dragon’s Heart were equipped with radio equipment. Each section—servers, bouncers, and bar staff—had their own numbered station so they could talk to each other and not interrupt the others.


  “I hear you,” a sexy, deep voice replied.

  What with the scent of their female lingering, and Cole’s voice, Brock’s cock swelled painfully hard. Having two mates was going to kill him. But what a way to go.

  “That missing part, the third puzzle piece that we’ve been looking for, I found it.” Brock hoped Cole would pick up what he was trying to tell him with that brief message. He didn’t want to outright say he’d found their mate with other ears on the channel. This was their business for now, not anyone else’s.

  “Eight years missing?” Cole came back.

  Brock smiled. His mate understood what he has said. Excitement rippled through him thinking of the three of them together. “Yep.”

  “Fucking hell, man. You sure?” He could hear the same excitement in his mate’s voice as he felt.

  “Yep. I have the evidence to prove it.” Brock placed a hand over his hard sex and tried to adjust it so he was more comfortable. It didn’t work.

  “Hard evidence, I guess?” Cole asked but didn’t wait for an answer. “I can take care of that.”

  Brock laughed, shaking his head. He called out to one of the other bar staff and told them he was taking his break. With a nod of acknowledgement from him he walked into the back of the club. The pounding beat could still be heard, but it was slightly dulled. It was also a lot cooler.

  As Brock was sitting on a crate of Orangina, trying yet again to do something with the iron rod shoved into a too-small space, his mate walked in from the storeroom, carrying a crate of expensive champagne. His tight black t-shirt was stretched over his flesh, and his muscles stood out. His pecs were firm and hard enough to see, but his six-pack that Brock loved to lave with his tongue was hidden by the crate he was carrying. Oh shit, could his cock get any harder?

  Cole’s long, brown hair was tied back with a leather tie. Brock loved to trail his fingers through the silky strands. Cole looked at him with lust-filled eyes mixed in with a whole lot of love. He smirked and looked down at Brock’s crotch that was also stretched to the limit.

  “Problem?” Cole asked, lifting an eyebrow.

  Brock smiled. “It’s one that you can take care of.”

  “I won’t be a second. Meet you in the office.”

  Brock watched Cole’s fine backside as he walked toward the bar. The ache in his dick had him clutching his crotch again. Yeah, having two mates was going to kill him for sure or give him a bad case of blue balls.

  He and Cole had claimed an office in the back of the club. It was their place to go. It was filled with the usual office paraphernalia as well as a pull-out, full-sized futon. There were rooms upstairs in the club with king-size beds in them covered in red satin sheets, but Brock and Cole always like their own little den. Brock headed there, knowing Cole wouldn’t be far behind.

  Brock had met Cole right there at Dragon’s Heart. Brock had been working at the club for a year, and then one afternoon in walked another bear shifter. His mate. It was lust at first sight, their bears automatically knowing their soul mate. Brock was a grizzly bear, whereas Cole was a black bear. That didn’t bother their animals; all they knew was that the other was the one they would spend the rest of their lives with. But they always knew that the female meant for them was still out there. To find one mate was a relief for his bear, to find both was heaven.

  But there was a slight problem. He could tell by her scent that she was human. How could they explain to her that she was destined for two men, and both were bear shifters? Okay, maybe it was bigger than a ‘slight’ problem.

  Chapter 3

  Brock went into the office, closing the door behind him. He headed over to the couch, undoing his fly. The fresh air hit the top of his cock, causing him to take a deep breath. His sex was already leaking pre-cum. The memory of their female mate’s scent again filled his mind. He knew, he just knew, it wasn’t the redhead. The other female...her hair, her body, he wanted to know more. Something about her had his cock twitching. Just as he sat on the couch, Cole walked through the door, a huge smile on his face.

  “It’s really her?” he asked.

  Brock nodded.

  Cole didn’t waste a moment. He shut the door, flicking the lock on it, and was on his knees in the middle of Brock’s legs a second later, his hands reaching for Brock’s hard shaft.

  “Tell me what she looks like,” Cole said, his voice huskier.

  Brock hissed in a breath and watched as Cole’s mouth covered the head of his cock, and he began sucking, pulling Brock’s shaft to the back of his throat. Brock groaned in pleasure.

  “I can’t tell the length of her hair yet, but from the way it was pulled up in her French braid it’s long. Long enough to wind around your wrist and tug while pounding in from behind.” His hips bucked. “Her body is made for us.”

  Brock opened his legs wider to accommodate Cole’s shoulders. Cole cupped his balls and played with them in his palm. Brock watched his cock leave Cole’s mouth, then disappear inside again.

  “Is she a shifter?” Cole asked then lowered back down, his dark eyes never leaving Brock’s.

  “She’s human. I only caught her scent…honey bread.” Brock lifted a hand and entwined it into his mate’s hair.

  Cole moved faster up and down on his sex, and his nimble digits touched the wicked spot Brock loved, just behind his balls. He was so fucking close to coming already.

  “I’ll show you later. She’s in one of the VIP rooms. Troy knows her.”

  A growl from Cole vibrated along his cock, turning him on just a little bit more.

  “Don’t worry, my mate, I don’t think they have a past. From what Todd told me, she’s a friend of Amy’s,” Brock said.

  He couldn’t take it any longer, he needed to come. Pushing his mate off his cock, he wrestled Cole onto the floo
r. With Cole on his hands and knees, Brock laid over his back. He immediately ducked his head down onto Cole’s shoulders, seeking the mate mark on the right hand side. Finding it, he ran his tongue over it. One of Cole’s hands reached behind him and cupped Brock’s buttocks. Brock slid his hard shaft against Cole’s trouser-clad butt while pulling at the button of Cole’s pants.

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he tugged Cole’s fly open so he could get to his shaft. He kissed along Cole’s neck, over the small number of whiskers on his cheek. Cole turned his head so Brock could reach his lips, and they kissed like there was no tomorrow.

  “Stay down, my friend,” Brock warned, pulling back, a slight growl in his voice when Cole tried to turn over.

  Brock had always been the more dominant of the two. He enjoyed seeing his mate underneath him, but he also loved seeing the ecstasy on Cole’s face when he came. This time, however, he wanted to rut into his mate like a sex-starved teenager. He again hissed in a breath as his sex twitched at the thought of watching Cole fuck their mate. He would come up behind them both and fuck Cole while he fucked her.

  Shit! He had to concentrate or he would cum like a fucking teenager. Cole was under him, fully submissive and waiting, and Brock knew his cock would be hard and ready too. Brock was at his limit. He needed inside Cole, and now.

  With Cole’s perfect arse held in the air for him, Brock bent down and nipped one of the cheeks then reached into one of the office drawers where they kept a tube of lube. Opening it, he spread some into the palm of his hand. Dropping the tube to the floor, he groaned and clutched his erection. He covered it from the tip of his shaft to his balls. He then placed a lubed finger fully into Cole’s anus. He felt it tighten, then as Cole relaxed, the muscles of his backside loosened too. Brock’s finger began easily slipping in and out. He added another finger. Cole wiggled his butt; he was just as excited as Brock.

  “Are you ready, mate? This is going to be hard and fast. The scent of our mate is firmly embedded in my memory.” Brock reached in front of his mate and cupped Cole’s hard shaft in his lubed hand. He moved, his palm sliding up and down Cole’s velvet hardness. Cole pushed back. “I’m at my limit.” He groaned and withdrew his fingers and replaced them with the head of his sex. He pushed, and slid in halfway.